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Add Notes

Find our short “how to” video for adding notes to records through workflows.

Add Notes

Do you have key information that you need to add to your records as a note? With this plugin, you can create a note through workflows on any standard CRM object using the triggers of your choice. You can use the personalisation tokens from any object to customise the notes.

1) Trigger note creation on any object

Use any standard object workflow to create a note and add it to the record, using all available triggers.

2) Customise the note using tokens

Add personalised information to the note from the object that you’re enrolling into the workflow.



Our plugin is free up for small projects,
with simple pricing based on how many notes you need to create.
  • Main Packages
  • Enterprise Packages

Main Packages

Tier 1

Up to 1,000 API Calls Per Month


Tier 2

Up to 10,000 API Calls Per Month

$10 per month

Tier 3

Up to 20,000 API Calls Per Month

$20 per month

Enterprise Packages

Tier 4

Up to 50,000 API Calls Per Month

$30+ per month

Tier 5

Over to 50,000 API Calls Per Month

Ask for a custom quote

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