AI TOFU Market Automation


What is TOFU

TOFU, or Top of the Funnel, refers to the initial stage in the buyer's journey where potential customers are introduced to a brand or product. It focuses on generating awareness and capturing the attention of a broad audience who may not yet be familiar with the brand or have identified a need for its offerings. TOFU marketing strategies typically involve tactics such as content marketing, social media engagement, advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO) to attract prospects and drive them to engage with the brand's content or visit its website. The goal of TOFU activities is to establish brand awareness, build trust, and initiate the process of nurturing leads through subsequent stages of the sales funnel.

Why is it important

TOFU, or Top of the Funnel, is important because it serves as the initial stage in the buyer's journey, where brand awareness is established and potential customers are introduced to a company's products or services. By effectively targeting and engaging prospects at this stage, businesses can expand their reach, attract a wider audience, and generate leads. TOFU activities lay the foundation for nurturing relationships with potential customers, building trust, and guiding them through subsequent stages of the sales funnel. Ultimately, a strong TOFU strategy helps businesses drive traffic, increase brand visibility, and create opportunities for conversion and revenue growth.

Our approach


In our proven strategy, we take the TOFU as a game, where the objective is to create an develop an interaction for the purpose of Awareness and CTA withing the game. 

In the game, we break down the elements into the following structures as mentioned above to achieve the results of the game. 


The agents role plays 2 roles, to interact with social media, and the second is to observe and collect information from the social media environment. In this situation, the observed and interactive information is collected and the entities are extracted around the environment.


The person model is based on a trait model, both commonly used in psychology and used by NSA, similar to that of the OCEAN model. Where a user is profiled based on how they write, their associates, the company, job title and additional information. This information transformers the way that we view customers. Instead of having the traditional customer personas, we actually have individual customers, which even at TOFU market level can be treated as an individual. 


As all humans, our largest influence is our personal network, co-workers, associates, influences, group discussions. In our approach we look at how to not only target prospects, but how to influence their network and the people that are associated with it. 

Creating informational bubbles around a network, means that confidence, trust, social proof are established within a prospect prior to even talking to a prospect. 

Through a collection of trait, content and network analysis we are able to establish a deep understanding of the prospects' desires, customer problems,and emotional needs. 


These type of outputs are feed into a strategic bot engine, where it can create information around that person, from social media post, likes, call to action pages, and probably of strategies which will be used to sell to the user. 

The strategy is like a computer game, with a set of objective, strategies it can used to achieve to get the results, using a combination of ANN and Reinforcement learning, so that it can continually evolve, and adapt to new strategies which are created to get the desired results. 

The over all results is a highly targeted TOFU process, which is collecting information, analysis, and processing actions around a use to get them the most relevant CTA for a product or service in the process


Using Hubstarts automation, you are making the whole experience for every prospect a personal one, knowing and matching there wants, and making content relivent, to over come the challenge with the information overload issues which exist today. 

Strategies are evolving and adapting and can be added to. Commenting. Linking, Posting, Talking on Groups, Networks and like. By combining this, and given a human aspect to it, the  ability to adapt to their phycology and how they are influences can be optiimise to get super human results. 

Learning about one customer, we are able to learn more about other customers within your product, and dynamically work out ways to sell to customers.

How it works

We have simplified the process of how to create the automation. As an end user, you role is that of the conductor. 

  1. What is your business: A process of defining your business is the first step, defining the customer problems, benefits, evidence and information you have. This become the foundation of the learning process for the agents. 
  2. What can you offer: Using sales strategies such as gifting, lose aversion, benefits, etc. you will be able to create a framework in which the AI can create strategies from 
  3. Refine strategies: As the AI learns your business, content, what works it will continually optimise, as you add new services, products or offerings, you can refine, approve, add feedback to the AI to make the right decisions which meets your company goal. 

With Hubstart, we will work with you, to go through your steps to make sure you have all set up the right way, as well ensuring your CTA, onboarding processes and the transition into sales is refined to ensure maximizing the potential for the customer. 

Within 2 months, the automation will be running as your company, or your name. With guaranteed results !

Get Started

Simple fill out the following questionnaire to ensure your the right fit, and schedule an analysis meeting to go over your business, questions and your goals. To schedule are start date.




Talk to our consultants, and let us know the needs and resources you need for your projects. We will recommend the right resources for you. 

100% Guaranteed, if you're not happy with your resources, let us know and we will find you a new resource.