Free - RevOps x AI Growth Workshop

Empowering Growth with HubSpot AI Capabilities.

Built on HubSpot and run by a trusted HubSpot Platinum partner.


Join to Succeed!

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Workshop Outline


  • Welcome and objectives of the workshop
  • Overview of RevOps and the role of AI in driving growth

Understanding Your Current HubSpot Setup

  • Detailed review of your existing HubSpot configuration.
  • Identifying current workflows, processes, and pain points.

AI Capabilities in HubSpot

  • Overview of available AI tools and features within HubSpot.
  • Case studies and examples of successful AI integration.

Conducting a RevOps AI Audit

  • Step-by-step guide to performing a comprehensive AI audit.
  • Tools and techniques for assessing your current state and identifying opportunities.

Developing an Actionable AI Integration Plan

  • Creating a tailored integration strategy aligned with your growth objectives.
  • Defining key milestones, timelines, and KPIs.

Implementation Best Practices

  • Practical tips for successful AI implementation.
  • Common challenges and how to overcome them.

Hands-On Session

  • Interactive exercises to apply learned concepts.
  • Live demonstrations of AI tools within HubSpot.
  • Group activities to develop a sample AI integration plan.

Measuring Success

  • Techniques for monitoring performance and measuring ROI.
  • Continuous improvement strategies using data-driven insights.

Q&A and Feedback

  • Open forum for questions and discussion.
  • Gathering feedback to tailor future support and training.
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Workshop Materials

By the end of the workshop, participants will have a clear understanding of how to conduct a RevOps AI Audit, develop an actionable AI integration plan, and implement AI capabilities in HubSpot to drive sustainable growth.

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    Comprehensive guidebook on RevOps AI Audit and integration.

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    Templates for audit checklists, integration plans, and KPIs.

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    Access to recorded sessions and additional learning resources.

What our users are saying

Here are a few reviews from our happy clients.

  • 5-star

    Topnotch team to take you from (Hub)start to finish!

    The folks over at Hubstart know how to set you up for success. For the past few months, we have worked very closely on a very in-depth project for a client. I attribute so much of the success of this project to the team over at Hubstart.


    Fisch, S.

  • 5-star

    Great team of smart people who get the done!

    We collaborated with Hubstart on a few client projects so we worked very closely with their team. Hubstart has a great team of people who are a pleasure to work with, know their way around HubSpot, and hit deadlines.


    Company, T.O.

  • 5-star

    Our Go-To Provider for HubSpot Support - Highly Recommended

    So pleased to have found James and the team a year or so ago. We now get so much more from our HubSpot CRM. HubSpot expertise, pragmatic advice, quick to respond and a pleasure to deal with.”


    Gray, C.

  • 5-star

    Vital HubSpot expertise and good customer service

    HubStart has looked after the technical maintenance of the website and CMS for over a year. We appreciate their specialist expertise on all things HubSpot and speedy response times, and their services are good value.”


    Cicmil, H.

    Business Services

    Got any questions about this workshop?

    Reach out to us below for a chat.